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How does the program work?

MSU College of Human Medicine Medical students apply in the middle of their third year of medical school (see timeline below).

The fourth year curriculum includes the following:

  • Master of Publich Health coursework.
  • Mentored pediatric public health research and policy and advocacy experience with the Pediatric Public Health Initiative.
  • At least one pediatric sub-internship (ideally a general pediatric floor rotation) within the TIP residency program.
  • Longitudinal ½ day per week continuity clinic at Hurley Children’s Clinic when fourth year schedule allows.
  • Attend residency program didactics when fourth year schedule allows.


March 1: Application Deadline (including all letters received)

March 20: Invitations to Interview

April 20: Interviews Completed

May 5: Students Informed of Acceptance

May 20: Students notify program director of decision

July 1: Program Begins

Ready to Apply? Click here.